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1900's Harvard Football Blanket - Fatima Tobacco Premium

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Here we offer a 1900’s Harvard Football, Fatima Tobacco Premium. This wonderful Harvard Football item is super rare and is a must have for your vintage football display! Featured are the Harvard University Seal, a Harvard pennant, and a period football player in all the garb - quilted pants, jersey with sewn on shoulder pads, carrying a plump melon football... This piece is huge and of exceptional quality for a premium. Probably because back in the day, in order to acquire it, you had to collect 50 or 100 regular Fatima Tobacco pack premiums and then be willing to send them in for this premium! An exceptional vintage Harvard football item... it measures 14”x 25 and is of fine quality. It will look great framed!

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1900's Harvard Football Blanket - Fatima Tobacco Premium

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